FIDEC – Festival International des Droits des Enfants et de la Citoyenneté
In 2019, the International Convention for the Rights of the Child will have 30 years of existence. The Fédération Nationale Les Francas, a French organisation, is planning to gather 650 children and teenagers aged from 6 to 16 to an international festival of the rights of the child to take place in France in October 2019: one part in a hosting region (20th-22d October), one part in the festival in Paris (22d to 25th October).
The Francas wish to invite children from at least 5 countries.
The festival will take place in Paris during 4 days, but we want to invite the children 2 days before in order for them to meet children from a hosting region with whom they will go together to the festival.
The hosting regions are Île-de-France, Haut-de-France or Centre Val de Loire (not too far away from Paris). For the festival, 500 children will come from France, 100 from Île de France and Paris, and 50 from other countries (Germany, Portugal – INSTITUTO das COMUNIDADES EDUCATIVAS / TEIP AGRUPAMENTO de ESCOLAS DR. FRANCISCO SANCHES (Braga), Slovenia, Belgium, Algeria and other countries tbc). The children can come with their school, leisure centre, children local council, children non-profit organisation…
We want to invite 5 to 10 children per country and 1 to 2 youth worker or teacher, from one or two different places in the country. We plan to ask for Erasmus + fundings together on the deadline of the 30th of April 2019, for this the children must be aged minimum 13 and will be hosted in the Île-de-France region. We plan to ask for OFAJ-DFJW fundings as well, so that children under 13 from Portugal, Germany, Slovenia and Algeria can come. 80 youth workers will be on site to support the youth workers
from France and other countries coming with their group.
We want to invite the international groups to stay during 2 days before the festival within the leisure centers of the region which is inviting them, and then to take part in the festival together with the French children of their hosting region from Tuesday at 2 p.m. to Friday at noon. We plan more time if the groups want to stay on Friday afternoon to enjoy Paris for free time, and leave on Saturday 26th in the morning. The children will sleep in youth hostels from the cities hosting them in the hosting regions, and in youth hostels in Paris.
Before the festival, we would be very glad if the participants could prepare themselves to take part.
We plan to collect the expressions of the children about their living conditions and their rights in practice. The topics are diverse: what the children like, what is boring for them, what they would change, what is essential for them… in their daily life, holiday, leisure center, city, village… as concerns school, health, transportation, accommodation, food, free time… The places where we would like to
collect those expressions are also diverse: philosophical workshops, webradio workshops, city children councils, children parliaments, artistic workshops as pictures, movies, drawings, comic strips, poster…
During the festival, the participants will have access to various spaces:
– An international gallery of the rights with the productions made by groups of children
(exhibitions, posters, art, movies…)
– Rooms for workshops to express themselves about their rights, including radio room
– A space for dialogue with elected representatives (French, but European as well)
– A space with games, digital gaming and books related to the rights of the child
We will ensure that the children understand each other, and understand what they see and hear during the festival, taking into account the language dimension.
After the festival, the expressions of the children will be reachable on an online platform about rights and citizenship. We plan to edit a qualitative report at the end of 2019 with the expressions and recommendations. In November 2019, we plan to gather 1600 adults at the “Francas Convention” (congress, forum and popular university) and to discuss with them about the results of the expressions of children. We will then write the guidelines of our organization for 2020-2025.

Assista ao documentário FIDEC "Festival International des Droits des Enfants et de la Citoyenneté Paris 22-25 Octobre 2019"
Apresentação dos Alunos do 8º1 do TEIP Agrupamento de Escolas Dr. Francisco Sanches aos colegas do grupo internacional de AMIENS antes do encontro de Paris
Who we are….
We are a group of students who over the last three years (since 5th grade) have developed projects based learning on the interpretation of the world through the eyes of citizenship.
We are currently 24 students from Brazil, Angola, Guinea-Bissau, Nepal, Ukraine, Iraq and Portugal, between the ages of twelve and fifteen, all 8th graders (2019/2020) sharing our experiences and knowledge in a collaborative way.
We are supported by a group of teachers from various fields and many friends, colleagues and technicians from other institutions that work along with our school, like ICE – Institute of Educational Communities.
We love listening to music, dancing, drawing, taking pictures and playing football. We’re good friends.
What are we going to present?
The projects we have been developing over the three years we are together, such as:
– The reinterpretation of Don Quixote de La Mancha or how we created the “City of Rights”;
– How we developed the project “If this street were mine…”, developing critical, but constructive views on the places where we live in order to improve them;
– How we created board games to help you learn what we study in the different subjects of the 7th grade;
– How we questioned dating violence and bullying in schools;
– How we debate the rivers that pass where we were born and how we defend the environment.
We would like to share our experiences, show how we organize ourselves, how we do research, how we discuss and disseminate our work and how we identify what we already know and what we still have to learn.
Class – 7.1
School – Agrupamento de Escolas Dr. Francisco Sanches – Braga
Math and Science Teacher and Educational Coordinator – Isabel Candeias
ICE – Andréa Duarte

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